Ping Pong Game Arduino

In this Project, we will see about how to make Ping Pong Game Play console with arduino .

Circuit Diagram:
Just Install TFT Touch Display Shield to Arduino

Arduino Code:
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>
MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;
#include <TouchScreen.h>
#define MINPRESSURE 200
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000

#define BLACK   0x0000
#define BLUE    0x001F
#define RED     0xF800
#define GREEN   0x07E0
#define CYAN    0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW  0xFFE0
#define WHITE   0xFFFF
#define ORANGE  0xFD20

const int XP = 7, XM = A1, YP = A2, YM = 6; //240x320 ID=0x7789
const int TS_LEFT = 174, TS_RT = 887, TS_TOP = 943, TS_BOT = 200;

int s = 0;          //start var
int a = 1;          //pause var
int x = 95;         //paddle pos var
int positionX = 120;//ball X position
int positionY = 240;//ball Y position
int speedX = 0;     //ball speed
int speedY = 0;     //ball speed
int k = 0;          //floor1
int l = 0;          //floor2
int i = 0;          //floor3
int h = 0;          //floor4
int B = 0;          //start breakout var
int f = 0;          //exit var
int P = 0;          //pong var
int g = 0;          //score var
int y2 = 250;       //the ball should not pass this
int r = 1;          // pong start var
int v = 0;          // pong start var

TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);
Adafruit_GFX_Button left_btn, right_btn, pause_btn, start_btn, breakout_btn, pong_btn, exit_btn;

int pixel_x, pixel_y;
bool Touch_getXY(void)
  TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();
  pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(YP, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(XM, HIGH);
  bool pressed = (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE);
  if (pressed) {
    pixel_x = map(p.x, 174, 887, 0, 240);
    pixel_y = map(p.y, 943, 200, 0, 320);
//    pixel_x = map(p.y, 943, 200, 0, 320);
//    pixel_y = map(p.x, 887, 174, 0, 240);

    //    pixel_x = map(p.y, TS_RT, TS_LEFT, 0, tft.width());
    //    pixel_y = map(p.x, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height());
  return pressed;

void setup()
  uint16_t ID = tft.readID();
  Serial.print("TFT ID = 0x");
  Serial.println(ID, HEX);
  Serial.println("Calibrate for your Touch Panel");
  if (ID == 0xD3D3) ID = 0x9486;
  left_btn.initButton(&tft, 40, 290, 75, 50, BLACK, BLACK, WHITE, "<-", 3);
  right_btn.initButton(&tft, 200, 290, 75, 50, BLACK, BLACK, WHITE, "->", 3);
  pause_btn.initButton(&tft, 220, 10, 40, 20, BLACK, BLACK, WHITE, "-", 3);
  start_btn.initButton(&tft, 120, 150, 150, 50, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, "", 3);
  breakout_btn.initButton(&tft, 120, 50, 150, 50, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, "", 3);
  pong_btn.initButton(&tft, 120, 100, 100, 50, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, "", 3);
  exit_btn.initButton(&tft, 20, 10, 40, 20, BLACK, BLACK, WHITE, "x", 3);


void drawrect() {                          // make the round rects
  tft.fillRoundRect(0, 30, 59, 10, 3, RED);
  tft.fillRoundRect(60, 30, 59, 10, 3, RED);
  tft.fillRoundRect(120, 30, 59, 10, 3, RED);
  tft.fillRoundRect(180, 30, 59, 10, 3, RED);

  tft.fillRoundRect(0, 41, 59, 10, 3, ORANGE);
  tft.fillRoundRect(60, 41, 59, 10, 3, ORANGE);
  tft.fillRoundRect(120, 41, 59, 10, 3, ORANGE);
  tft.fillRoundRect(180, 41, 59, 10, 3, ORANGE);

  tft.fillRoundRect(0, 52, 59, 10, 3, YELLOW);
  tft.fillRoundRect(60, 52, 59, 10, 3, YELLOW);
  tft.fillRoundRect(120, 52, 59, 10, 3, YELLOW);
  tft.fillRoundRect(180, 52, 59, 10, 3, YELLOW);

  tft.fillRoundRect(0, 63, 59, 10, 3, GREEN);
  tft.fillRoundRect(60, 63, 59, 10, 3, GREEN);
  tft.fillRoundRect(120, 63, 59, 10, 3, GREEN);
  tft.fillRoundRect(180, 63, 59, 10, 3, GREEN);


void gameGUI() {  // check if gameGUI already has run
  if ( f == 0) {
    tft.setCursor(0, 160);
    tft.print("PLEASE CHOOSE A GAME");
    tft.setCursor(50, 40);
    tft.setCursor(90, 90);


  bool down = Touch_getXY(); && breakout_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && pong_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y));

  if (breakout_btn.justReleased())

  if (pong_btn.justReleased())

  if (breakout_btn.justPressed()) { // check if buttons pressed
    B = 1;
    f = 1;

  if (pong_btn.justPressed()) { // check if buttons pressed
    P = 1;
    f = 1;
    r = 1;



void pong() {
  if (P == 1) { // if P = 1 start pong
    B = 0;
    if ( r == 1) { // if r = 1 dont start game till v = 1
      speedX = 0;
      speedY = 0;
      tft.setCursor(60, 140);

  if ( v == 1) {  // if start is pressed, start game
    speedX = 1;
    speedY = -1;
    v = 0;
    r = 0;

  tft.fillRect(0 , 50, 400, 3, WHITE); //make two lines for the game area
  tft.fillRect(0 , 260, 400, 3, WHITE);
  tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, BLACK); //undraw the ball

  if (positionX < 0) { //ball go right if positionX < 0
    speedX = 1;
  if (positionX > tft.width()) { //ball go left if positionY > screens width
    speedX = -1;
  if (positionY < 50) { //ball go down if positionY < 50
    speedY = 1;
  if (positionY > 260) { //ball go up if positionY > 260
    speedY = -1;
  if (positionY == 220 && (positionX >= x && positionX <= x + 50)) { //if ball hit paddle on y level 220 and between x level x and x+50 the ball bounces off the paddle
    speedY = -1;

    if ( speedX == 1) { //check if the ball should go left or right after hitting the paddle
      speedX = 1;
    } else {
      speedX = -1;

    g = g + 1;                              //score count
    tft.fillRect( 110 , 10, 40, 40, BLACK);
    tft.setCursor(110, 20);
    if (positionY < 250 ) { // add score
    } else {

  if (positionY >= y2 ) { // check if the ball has gone past the paddle and into y2
    speedX = 0;
    speedY = 0;
    tft.setCursor(15, 100);
    tft.print("GAME OVER");
    tft.setCursor(60, 150);

  positionX = positionX + speedX;
  positionY = positionY + speedY;
  tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, WHITE); //draw the ball
  tft.fillRect( x , 220, 50, 10, WHITE);          //draw the paddle

  bool down = Touch_getXY(); && left_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && right_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && start_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && exit_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y));

  if (left_btn.justReleased()) //check if buttons been pressed

  if (right_btn.justReleased())

  if (start_btn.justReleased())

  if (exit_btn.justReleased())

  if (start_btn.justPressed()) {

  if (start_btn.justPressed()) { //if start_btn (restart button) had been pressed, start the game over again
    speedX = 1;
    speedY = 1;
    g = g - g; // reset g
    v = 1;
    positionX = 35;
    positionY = 35;


  if (left_btn.justPressed()) { //if left button pressed, move the paddel 20pixels to the left
    tft.fillRect( x , 220, 50, 10, BLACK);
    if (x < 0) {  //dont move the paddle if it is on the egde of the display
      x = x + 0;
    }     else {  // check if the paddle is in the screen
      x = x - 20;

  if (right_btn.justPressed()) { //if right button pressed, move the paddel 20pixels to the right
    tft.fillRect( x , 220, 50, 10, BLACK);
    if (x > 190) {  //dont move the paddle if it is on the egde of the display
      x = x - 0;
    }     else {  // check if the paddle is in the screen
      x = x + 20;

  if (exit_btn.justPressed()) { // check if buttons pressed
    r = 0;
    P = 0;
    B = 0;
    a = 1;
    tft.fillRect(0 , 50, 400, 3, BLACK); //make two lines for the game area
    tft.fillRect(0 , 260, 400, 3, BLACK);
    tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, BLACK); //undraw the ball
    tft.fillRect( x , 220, 50, 10, BLACK);          //draw the paddle
    speedX = 0;
    speedY = 0;
    f = 0;



void breakout() {

  if (B == 1) { // if B = 1 start breakout
    P = 0;

    if ( a == 1) { // if a = 1 pause game til start is pressed
      speedX = 0;
      speedY = 0;
      tft.setCursor(60, 140);

  if ( s == 1) {    // if start is pressed start game
    speedX = 1;
    speedY = -1;
    s = 0;
    a = 0;
    P = 0;

  if (h <= 4)   {
    if ( positionX >= 0 && positionX <= 60 && positionY == 40 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(0, 30, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      h = h + 1;   //line four
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 60 && positionX <= 120 && positionY == 40 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(60, 30, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      h = h + 1;   //line four
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 120 && positionX <= 180 && positionY == 40 ) {  //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(120, 30, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      h = h + 1;   //line four
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 180 && positionX <= 240 && positionY == 40 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(180, 30, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      h = h + 1;   //line four
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;
    //next row
  if (i <= 4)   {
    if ( positionX >= 0 && positionX <= 60 && positionY == 51 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(0, 41, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      i = i + 1;   //line three
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 60 && positionX <= 120 && positionY == 51 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(60, 41, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      i = i + 1;   //line three
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 120 && positionX <= 180 && positionY == 51 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(120, 41, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      i = i + 1;   //line three
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 180 && positionX <= 240 && positionY == 51 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(180, 41, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      i = i + 1;   //line three
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;
  }              //next row
  if (l <= 4)   {
    if ( positionX >= 0 && positionX <= 60 && positionY == 62 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(0, 52, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      l = l + 1;   //line two
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 60 && positionX <= 120 && positionY == 62 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(60, 52, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      l = l + 1;   //line two
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 120 && positionX <= 180 && positionY == 62 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(120, 52, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      l = l + 1;   //line two
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 180 && positionX <= 240 && positionY == 62 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(180, 52, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      l = l + 1;   //line two
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;
  if (k <= 4)   {                   // next row

    if ( positionX >= 0 && positionX <= 60 && positionY == 73 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(0, 63, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      k = k + 1;   //line one
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 60 && positionX <= 120 && positionY == 73 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(60, 63, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      k = k + 1;   //line one
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 120 && positionX <= 180 && positionY == 73 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(120, 63, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      k = k + 1;   //line one
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

    if ( positionX >= 180 && positionX <= 240 && positionY == 73 ) { //check if box has been hit
      tft.fillRoundRect(180, 63, 59, 10, 3, BLACK);
      speedY = 1;
      k = k + 1;   //line one
      if ( speedX == 1) {
        speedX = 1;
      } else {
        speedX = -1;

  tft.fillRect(x, 260, 50, 10, WHITE); // draw paddle
  tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, BLACK); //undraw ball
  positionX = positionX + speedX;
  positionY = positionY + speedY;
  tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, WHITE); //draw the ball

  if (positionX < 0) { //ball go right if positionX < 0
    speedX = 1;
  if (positionX > tft.width()) { //ball go left if positionY > screens width
    speedX = -1;
  if (positionY < 0) { //ball go down if positionY < 0
    speedY = 1;
  if (positionY == 260 && (positionX >= x && positionX <= x + 50)) { //if ball hit paddle on y level 260 and between x level x and x+50 the ball bounces off the paddle
    speedY = -1;

    if ( speedX == 1) { //check if the ball should go left or right after hitting the paddle
      speedX = 1;
    } else {
      speedX = -1;
  if (positionY == 280) {  // end game if ball is under y 280
    speedX = 0;
    speedY = 0;
    k = 0;
    l = 0;
    i = 0;
    h = 0;
    positionY = 240;
    positionX = 120;
    tft.setCursor(40, 140);
    tft.setCursor(15, 80);
    tft.print("GAME OVER");
  if ( h == 5) {           //if all boxes are hit, end game
    h = 0;

  bool down = Touch_getXY(); && left_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && right_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && pause_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && start_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y)); && exit_btn.contains(pixel_x, pixel_y));

  if (start_btn.justReleased())

  if (pause_btn.justReleased())

  if (left_btn.justReleased())

  if (right_btn.justReleased())

  if (exit_btn.justReleased())

  if (start_btn.justPressed()) {
    start_btn.drawButton(true); //check if buttons pressed
    s = 1;

  if (pause_btn.justPressed()) {
    a = 1;


  if (left_btn.justPressed()) {
    tft.fillRect(x, 260, 50, 10, BLACK);
    if (x < 0) { //if paddle is at end of display, dont move it
      x = x + 0;
    }     else { //move the paddle
      x = x - 20;

  if (right_btn.justPressed()) {
    tft.fillRect(x, 260, 50, 10, BLACK);
    if (x > 190) { //if paddle is at end of display, dont move it
      x = x - 0;
    }     else {  //move the paddle
      x = x + 20;


  if (exit_btn.justPressed()) { // check if buttons pressed
    P = 0;
    r = 0;
    B = 0;
    k = 0;
    l = 0;
    i = 0;
    h = 0;
    a = 1;
    f = 0;
    speedX = 0;
    speedY = 0;
    tft.fillRect(x, 260, 50, 10, BLACK); // draw paddle
    tft.fillCircle(positionX, positionY, 4, BLACK); //undraw ball


//-------------------------------------------void loop-------------------------------------------

void loop() {


  if ( P == 0 && B == 0) { // if none of the buttons is pressed, keep gameGUI up.
    f = 0;

  if ( P == 1) { // if button P is pressed, start pong
  if ( B == 1) { // if button B is pressed, Start breakout

Libraries Used:

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